Cannabis Rectal Suppositories are Recognized as a Posh Alternative to 'Poppers'


The groundbreaking cannabis sexual health company FORIA is releasing a new formulation of their sensual-enhancement product -- FORIA Explore -- the first commercially available marijuana suppository specifically formulated for deeper pleasure during anal play. Designed to both increase pleasure and diminish discomfort, Explore is the all natural, healthy alternative to "Poppers" a drug commonly used and praised by the LGBTQ community prior to learning of its potential harms.

FORIA Explore suppositories are crafted to maximize the muscle-relaxing, sensual-enhancing properties of cannabis, containing the cannabinoids THC & CBD. Suppository users report an overall full body relaxation allowing them to enjoy enhanced pleasure during anal play with a clear engaged mind. Whereas amyl nitrite or "Poppers," a popular sex aid product of the 1970s club culture and 1990s rave scene and still used today among homosexual men, can lead to decreased blood pressure, heightened heart rate and "can more than double one's chance of HIV infection in receptive anal sex."

With a list of both short-term and dangerous long-term side effects surrounding poppers, cannabis suppositories with their scent of cookies and formula containing only natural ingredients are by far the posh alternative.

With the recent uproar in London after the UK initiated a national ban on Poppers, the LGBTQ community viewed it as "an attack on gay sex and gay lives." As cannabis continues to show up more frequently in mainstream health and wellness sectors, FORIA is excited to be able to offer a safer alternative that encourages diverse sexual exploration while promoting good health and well-being.

Since FORIA's launch in 2014, they have been viewed as a trusted and reliable sexual wellness company and sexual health advocate by their patients for providing effective, quality products to a community with diverse needs, and continues to lead the cannabis industry in sexual health product innovation.

"From enhancing pleasure to easing lower back pain, these little butter bullets continue to amaze us with their broad spectrum of health and wellness benefits. The suppository is sure to have a starring role in the future of cannabis," said FORIA Founder, Mathew Gerson.

Each suppository contains 30 mg of C02-extracted THC and 20 mg of a CBD isolate from USDA organic hemp provided by Colorado Cultivars, in a base of Fair Trade organic cocoa butter, chosen for its soothing and moisturizing properties. FORIA's new formulation doubles the amount of CBD and lowers the level of THC to implement greater muscle relaxation while still enhancing sensation.

These compounds are absorbed locally and activate cannabinoid receptors throughout the pelvic region. Explore is not a lubricant but an aid to be used with your personal lubricant. When condoms are used, FORIA recommends using latex-free versions for the best level of protection.

One of the lesser known and significant advantages of cannabis suppositories is that they are 2-3 times more bioavailable (rate of bodily absorption) than eating or smoking. If you require large doses of cannabis for health reasons, this is the most effective way to deliver medicine into the body.

Cannabis suppositories inspire not only a healthier direction for sexual exploration but effective alternative health and wellness practices. Particularly for those seeking the health benefits of medical cannabis but not wanting to experience the traditional psychoactive 'head' high.

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