The Center O.C.'s Big Ball :: Indigo - You Gotta Go!

Thom Senzee READ TIME: 5 MIN.

To say the LGBT Center Orange County has some good programs for queer folk would be like saying out lesbian comedian Dana Goldberg is prone to cracking a joke or two, now and then. Can you say understatement?

How fortuitous it is then, that none other than Goldberg will be the emcee at the Center's Indigo Ball gala and serving as auctioneer to boot. Get to know funny lady Goldberg, plans for this year's Indigo Ball and a little more about The LGBT Center O.C's uncommonly long list of programs, projects and services aimed at improving the quality of life for Orange County's community of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth, adults, families and seniors in The Rage Monthly's Q&A:

I understand you have raised about $3 million for the cause of securing equality for gender and sexual minorities through the years. Why is it such an important cause for you?

I think the most obvious answer would be that it affects me directly, since I'm the L in the LBGTQ community. I don't ever want to be a second-class citizen in my own country, and in many ways we still are. I've found a way
to help ensure that continues to change in the future by helping to raise money through my work for organizations who lead the way in securing our equal rights.

How long have you been doing comedy, and who do you find funny?

I've been doing comedy a little over 13 years, and it's been a fun ride so far. I would have to say that I find my colleagues to be some of the funniest people I've ever known: Erin Foley, Jessica Kirson, Jason Dudey just to name a few. There are so many talented comedians out there, and I'm happy to share a stage with them.

My all time favorite comedian and inspiration was Robin Williams. His brilliance is missed on this planet and I would love to hear what he would have to say about this presidential race.

What's the best way for folks to enjoy your comedic work-live, online, on video or one on one?

Can I say, "All of the above?" I would prefer people came to my shows, there's nothing better than seeing it live. So many things can happen with an audience that you just don't see on the clips or online videos. I do enjoy a good one on one though. I love to banter with someone who can keep up with my sense of humor. If someone doesn't have at least a little bit of sarcastic wit, I'm not sure I can keep them in my life.

What do you love about Orange County?

What's not to love about Orange County? There's some of that sarcasm I was telling you about. The O.C. is actually a great community. I did a show for the Center earlier this year and the crowd was amazing. There are a lot of very caring people trying to make the area a more welcoming place for the LGBTQ community to live.

How about the O.C. Center?
These would be the people I'm talking about. The staff at the Center is incredible; they work so hard to ensure that the O.C. is a safe and welcoming place for all people. Some of the staff and board are straight allies, and they work tirelessly to make this world a better place for a community that they aren't even directly a part of. It's truly inspiring. You see the true beauty of humanity. We are all connected.
Is there any danger of our community getting complacent about giving and supporting causes like The Center O.C. as we attain greater societal acceptance and equality?
Unfortunately, I think there is. So many people
are under the false notion that marriage equality was our biggest fight and now that we have it federally, we can just kick our feet up and relax... Not even close. In 32 states, you can be married on Friday and fired from your job on Monday. We need full federal equality across the board. Until that happens, none of us can kick back and just relax. This truly is one
of the most important elections of our lifetime. All of the advances we have had over the last seven years could be reversed if the wrong candidate gets into the White House.
How has the Orange County Center or any LGBT community center impacted you or someone you know directly?
I'm so grateful these centers exist across the coun-
try. I've worked closely with the Gay and Lesbian Center in Los Angeles, and participated in the AIDS ride in 2011 raising $11,500 for the center. I've supported LGBT centers in many states because the work they do is so important; the youth programs in particular. Our young people need to know they are normal, are loved, and there's nothing wrong with them. I know that ensuring youth have a safe place
to live and learn is a priority for the Center O.C. It makes me proud to be working with them.

Have you hosted a gala auction before, and what can Indigo Ball attendees expect from you as this year's auctioneer? Pardon the expression, but will you play it straight or maybe ham it up a little?

I have. I host more than a dozen of these a year for different organizations ranging from the Human Rights Campaign, Up2Us Sports, The Black Tie Gala and The Children's Coalition. I'm not sure where I got it from, but I'm a great auctioneer and I have the ability to lighten up the audience through my humor and when people are happy, they tend to give more.

I will definitely not play it straight... so to speak. This is a gala, and even though there are a lot of serious things happening in the world, there is always a need for comic relief. One might say now more than ever.

What are you working on in addition to your philanthropic and advocacy work at the moment?

I produce a huge comedy night in Albuquerque, New Mexico, every year to help benefit New Mexico AIDS Services. That is coming up on May 1st. I have a busy summer schedule with comedy, galas, live auctions, but I will be enjoying an adult beverage or five the second week of May while I entertain 600 lesbians in Cancun with Olivia Travel!

Anything to add?

Very much looking forward to raising some money for the LGBT Center O.C. at the Indigo Ball! It's going to be a fantastic night.

People can follow me on twitter and instagram @ dgcomedy and my full schedule is on my website

The Indigo Ball takes place on Saturday, April 16 at the eSports Arena in Santa Ana. For more information, to purchase tickets for the event or to find out everything you need to know about the LGBT Center Orange County, go to

by Thom Senzee

Copyright Rage Monthly. For more articles from Rage visit

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