Homing's In: Arts, Nightlife, Community Events Oct. 8-18

Time flies when you're having fun, even when you're not. But do make time for arts, community and nightlife events, whether from your phone, computer, or in a few cases, in person (Gasp!).

by Jim Provenzano | Oct 8, 2020

TV Eyes: Trump's 'Covita' Act and SNL's Cringeworthy Return

Trump's 'Covita' balcony moment highlights a week of surreal news, and 'Saturday Night Lives's return odd parody of the presidential debate wasn't as bizarre as the real one.

by Victoria A. Brownworth | Oct 6, 2020

New Photo Books' Loving Look at LGBTQ Lives

Three new photo books visualize queer lives from the past and present day in uniquely different ways: Rainbow Revolution, Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s, and Self Evident Truths: 10,000 Portraits of Queer America.

by Jim Provenzano | Oct 6, 2020

BAYlies Project to Showcase LGBT and POC Cartoonists

A new comics anthology hopes to showcase the work of Bay Area People of Color and LGBTQ artists in a fundraiser for its first issue. Titled The BAYlies, the project will include both established and rising illustrators.

by Jim Provenzano | Oct 3, 2020

Tom Dolby: Making Art and 'The Artist's Wife'

'The Artist's Wife''s gay writer/director Tom Dolby discusses his new film, as well as his collaborative process in making them.

by Gregg Shapiro | Oct 8, 2020

Poems, Pops and Pups: New Works by Felice Picano, Yvonne Zipter, Michael Montlack

New LGBTQ poetry available to distract and delight your senses and tickle your literary fancies, with works by Felice Picano, Michael Montlack and Yvonne Zipter.

by Jim Piechota | Oct 7, 2020

Q-Music: Fall into LGBTQ+ Tunes

Listen up for new music from Maria McKee, Evangeline Gentle, Kim David Smith, Rachel Garlin, Bonnie Whitmore and other LGBTQ+ musicians.

by Gregg Shapiro | Oct 7, 2020

Homing's In, Arts, Nightlife, Community Events Oct. 1-8

As more venues open to the public, we're keeping track of them, as well as online events in Arts, Nightlife and Community.

by Jim Provenzano | Oct 1, 2020

Oliver Sacks: His Own Life

Virtually every issue of importance about what it means to live a life and to be a human being, was concentrated in Oliver Sack's unusual life story, says director Ric Burns of his new documentary about the gay neurologist and best-selling author.

by Brian Bromberger | Sep 30, 2020

Jada Michael's 'Body-Positive' Musical Appeal

You need some music to relax. Jada Michael's vocals range from moments of under-the-covers intimacy into the charismatic chorus with R&B smooth grooves, just what we need to feel better. Oh, and she's an out and proud lesbian, too.

by Jim Provenzano | Sep 28, 2020

Displaying 93 out of 607 pages