MassEquality Campaign Director is no more

After widening its mission beyond marriage equality and becoming a permanent multi-issue LGBT advocacy group last fall, the MassEquality board on July 9 took another step to reflect the organization's new direction, changing Marc Solomon's job title from campaign director to executive director.

by Michael Wood | Jul 19, 2008

MTPC and GLAAD rap Herald for trans slurs

The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation publicly called on the <i>Boston Herald</i> to apologize for offensive content and language in a July 7 story spotlighting a Boston police detective who goes undercover to uncover prostitution.

by Michael Wood | Jul 18, 2008

Wilderness Heals creates opportunity and community for women

Upon moving to Boston from Ohio, Vicky Waltz picked up a weekly paper at the supermarket and saw an advertisement in the back for the Wilderness Heals hike. She e-mailed in for information and promptly signed up. Four years later, there is no doubt in her mind that picking up that newspaper changed her life.

by Michael Wood | Jul 18, 2008

Senate easily passes 1913 law repeal bill on voice vote; DiMasi wants House vote soon

The Senate passed by a voice vote a bill that would repeal the 1913 law on July 15.

by Michael Wood | Jul 17, 2008

Massachusetts senate passes bill to repeal 1913 law

In a voice vote the Massachusetts state Senate passed a bill to repeal an antiquated state law that has blocked most same-sex couples from out of state from marrying in Massachusetts.

by David Foucher | Jul 15, 2008

House passes MassHealth Equality Bill

In a victory for married same-sex couples seeking equal access to the state's MassHealth Program, the House of Representatives passed the MassHealth Equality Bill, sponsored by openly gay state Rep. Liz Malia, on a voice vote early this afternoon.

by David Foucher | Jul 15, 2008

Final budget includes boosts for LGBT, HIV programs

The final state budget for Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) that was passed by the legislature on July 2 includes funding increases for every state LGBT program and for the state's HIV/AIDS budget line item.

by Michael Wood | Jul 10, 2008

In brief: Dust off your Speedo and Swim for Life

This year's Swim for Life will be held on Saturday, Sept. 6, although various events will run throughout the weekend.

by Michael Wood | Jul 13, 2008

In brief: Transgender Emergency Fund puts on a show

Created to provide monetary relief to low income transgender people of the central Massachusetts community, the Transgender Emergency Fund (TEF) will be holding its second fundraiser on July 11. The TEF is a relatively new organization created by Jesse Pack, who works for AIDS Project Worcester

by Michael Wood | Jul 12, 2008

In brief: Wanted: a good gay screenplay

The One In Ten Screenplay Contest, the largest screenplay contest dedicated to the positive portrayal of the LGBT community, will celebrate its 10th anniversary with this year's contest.

by Michael Wood | Jul 12, 2008

Displaying 70 out of 127 pages